Cup of China: Four Predictions

Have decided not to try to predict all the medalists when I need to do my pre-watching napping and I’ve been struggling with headaches all week as it is.  Instead, I shall make a single random prediction of something that will happen in each discipline:

Men: Keiji Tanaka will have a brilliant competition, probably with underscoring involved, and cause everyone to lament the overcrowding of the Japanese men’s field once again.

Ladies: Either Polina Edmunds of Zijun Li will be a surprising third after the short, though I don’t think they’ll necessarily stay there.

Pairs: The home country will sweep, with Bazarova & Deputat failing to meet expectations again.  Kind of hoping it’s the Wangs who win silver, though I suspect it’ll be Yu & Jin instead.

Ice Dance: Elena Ilinykh & Ruslan Zhiganshin will manage to get a score that causes all their detractors to cry they’re being overscored and the Russian federation owns the judges and all their supports to cry they’re being underscored and the Russian federation is unfairly favoring their less deserving former partners.